The Sidesaddle Senate is a list of leaders from our various Affiliates and Chapters nationwide. This group of individuals have proven their enthusiasm in learning more and promoting the art of sidesaddle, directing their clubs in events/clinics, and help to advise our Board of Officers in the improvements and management of our nationwide organization.

Arkansas Ladies Aside
Jessica Saucier

Arizona Aside
Hannah Barker

California Aside
Megan Titus

Friends of the West
Kathleen Mautz

Georgia Ladies Aside
Stephanie Hutcherson

Garden State Sidesaddle
Erica Pariott

Hoosier Ladies Aside
Becky Goode

Kentucky Sidesaddle
Liz Skelton

Lone Star Side Saddle Association
Maria Tete Ramirez

Mid-South Sidesaddle Association
Kayla Benson

Michigan Sidesaddle
Grace O’Mally

Northwest Aside Group
Judy Hasting

Northeast Ohio Ladies Aside
Cathy Reichert

Northeast Women’s Sidesaddle
Kelley McCarty

Northern Illinois Sidesaddle
Kathleen Kocunik

Oregon Ladies Aside

Prairie Ladies Aside
Ruth Riegel

Sidesaddle Around New England
Elazabeth Sanborne

Southern Ohio Ladies Aside
Maggie Herlensky

Side Saddle Sisters of Oklahoma
Drenda Bigham

Tennessee Sidesaddle
Sue Halaburda Duncan

Wisconsin Sidesaddle
Libby Cameron

Western New York Sidesaddle Chapter
Gael Orr
Memebrs Abroad

Marti Fridle
I have been a member of ASA since it was formed, was previously VP of WSSFI, and am the author of The Sidesaddle Legacy. I was on the committee that formed the present ASA J/I program, and am an ASA certified instructor (retired). I also owned and operated Hundred Oaks, Inc (sidesaddle sales) for 25+ years.

Rhonda Watts-Hettinger