About Us
We are a network of regional sidesaddle clubs in the United States. Our goal is to promote and preserve the art of sidesaddle riding.
The American Sidesaddle Association was formed in 2008 to promote the elegant and historic art of riding sidesaddle and to teach the equestrian public about sidesaddle riding.

Mission Statement
The American Sidesaddle Association (ASA) was formed to preserve, promote, and expand the elegance and historical art of riding sidesaddle. The ASA wishes to promote enthusiasm for sidesaddle riding among the equestrian public. Founded in 2008, the ASA is a network of regional sidesaddle clubs located throughout the nation. The Association supports all forms of riding and rider safety; we honor the women who came before us but are also inclusive of all people throughout society.

About Our Logo
Linda Bowlby designed the logo. It represents Belle Starr, the outlaw queen, and her horse Asa (named for the ASA). The flames stand for the phoenix rising from the ashes or setting the world on fire or the flame of knowledge. Belle is depicted in period costume because it doesn’t single out any of the modern disciplines and recognizes the history behind our sport.